Camerata Alma Viva, accompanied by artists Johnny de Mearns and Neil McLean Robertson, will take you on a ‘Visuosonic’ journey through the light and the dark, through heaven and hell and back out the other side. Creating an experience for you and a work of art to define the folly of control and the error of man when the psyche is governed by fear.
“Neil and I want to express the aberration that is the movement from the pastoral to the patriarchal…to visually express the disastrous consequences of this modus operandi, whilst offering the perceiver light at the end of the tunnel, a redemptive glance at the beauty beyond…”
Johnny de Mearns
Charting the progress of Mozart’s ‘Divertimento’, Camerata Alma Viva and the two painters onstage will guide the viewer into the darkest fear and suffering of Shostakovich’s chamber symphony dedicated to the victims of War and Fascism. This depiction of transgression will culminate in an original arrangement of Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones.
Mozart Divertimento in D Major K136
Mozart Sinfonia Concertante in E flat Major, K 364, in an original arrangement by Eric Mouret for CAV
Shostakovich Chamber Symphony in C minor op.110a (based on Quartet N.8, arranged by Rudolph Barshai)
Mouret Paint it Black (inspired by Rolling Stones) World Premiere